REST & restoration

In this workshop, I will redefine the concept of ‘relaxation’ to one of active rest and intentional restoration.
I’ll provide theory and practical tools that highlight the need for regular rest and the value of intentional and effective restoration in maintaining balance and satisfaction.
We’ll think about what ‘rest’ means to you as an individual and explore the concepts of ‘active rest,’ intentional restorative activity, and habitual acceptance of rest and restoration as essential to health and wellbeing. You will create a realistic and achievable plan to include more rest and restoration into your daily life.
Increase understanding of the meaning, value, and purpose of rest and restoration in your personal context.
Explore the ways you find rest and restoration in your life and consider how to make this more intentional and regular.

You will create an individual action plan that promotes health and well-being through the intentional use of personally relevant and meaningful activities that promote rest and restoration.